Announcement: We're Not for Everyone—We're for D2C eCommerce Only Now 💳

See Why We're Niching Down

If you're for everybody, you're for nobody.

Seems backwards, right? Well, this is what I've always heard and it's still true.

I've always applied it to my clients, and I didn't want to apply it to myself. I've had several reasons against choosing one niche for Chirpy. And myself for all these years.

Until late last year.


I finally joined the other team—the one that’s pro-niching.

Chirpy is focusing in on D2C eCommerce this year...and all future years now.


➡️ I didn't make this decision strictly for business reasons. It's for myself, too. D2C eCommerce is what I always get most excited about. (Almost all of my Chirpy clients have been D2C eCommerce so far by coincidence actually.)

➡️ Generally, eCommerce is the straightest and fastest path to tangible revenue changes (as opposed to lead gen and SaaS). As a person who is motivated and driven by providing real, tangible value consistently and quickly, it always gets me jazzed.

➡️ D2C cuts out middlemen, which oftentimes lends itself to more passionate and interested clients relative to the actual products. There's more opportunity to influence the products as well. Outcomes are always better when there's more passion, interest, and an ability to actually make changes.

This doesn't mean that Chirpy/I can't do CRO in other lanes. I've been doing work for anybody and everybody for my entire career at other companies. Those skills don't just go away, and it's not that I dislike everything else.


📣 D2C eCommerce is now our focus, and these companies will be our ideal clients moving forward.

I love where Chirpy is at now more than ever, and I also love where it's headed. 💜

Let’s Meet at Shoptalk in Vegas in March

DM me on LinkedIn or email me at [email protected] if you're attending so we can set up time to grab coffee or a cocktail! 🍸

We can swap Vegas recommendations.

We can chat about our pets and share dog pics.

We can talk about your website and growth dreams.

See. You. There. 👏


Want to connect? Reach out to the Founder, Haley Carpenter, at [email protected].