4 CRO Test Types Crash Course

When to use and when to avoid each kind of test

Understanding the different options (and when to use which one!) is crucial for a successful CRO program. We just added a new piece to the blog that covers this very topic, check it out below! 👇


Take a crash course in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) testing, covering four key test types: A/B, A/B/n, Multivariate, and Multi-Arm Bandit. Through real-life examples, this article illustrates when each test type is most effective and when it's best to avoid them, offering actionable insights for optimizing conversion rates on websites. 🙌

👉 4 CRO Test Types Crash Course [7 minute read]

Turning Qualitative Data Into Quantitative Data

🎥 Watch this 11 minute video and get better at analyzing qualitative user research by learning a repeatable, scalable coding process that you can implement immediately with your entire team.

Actionable takeaway: Chirpy's recommended step-by-step process to extrapolating user research and turning it into quantitative data.

Chirpy’s Experiment Pre-Launch Checklist

Many teams don’t complete the proper steps before launching experiments, which leads to mistakes and poor results.

I've never seen this kind of checklist before, and I want all teams to have something quick and easy for everyone to use to improve experiment quality. ✅

Don’t question whether you’re doing it right.

Use this checklist and be reassured you’re set to launch. 🚀

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👋 Work with Me

Whenever you're ready there are 4 ways I can help you with optimizations and changing your business’ decision-making culture to make sure you’re an industry dominator:

  1. Consulting & execution for large enterprise in-house teams for lead generation or eCommerce businesses in any industry, find out if we’re a fit by scheduling a 15-minute meeting with me or learning more about it

  2. Training & workshops for any business suited to what you’re looking to accomplish, find out if I can help you by a 15-minute meeting with me or learning more about it

  3. More resources by following me on LinkedIn or visiting my website for blog posts, trainings, and a pre-test checklist

  4. Coffee chats to talk about whatever is on your mind, email me at [email protected] or DM me on LinkedIn