10 Red Flags When Choosing Your Next CRO Agency

Plus Interaction Effects in CRO - Should You Worry?

Fresh off the press, I’ve got a special offer for my newsletter readers! Below is my un-gated 10 Red Flags infographic which will help anyone who might be shopping for their next CRO agency or consultant. 👇


From unrealistic ROI claims to suspiciously low pricing and jack-of-all-trades syndrome, we break down the key indicators of a less-than-stellar CRO agency in our newest infographic 10 Red Flags When Choosing Your Next CRO Agency or Consultant. Ensure your investment pays off by selecting a partner who truly understands conversion rate optimization. Download the infographic here to elevate your CRO game!

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for our CRO Agency Interview Checklist ✅ which will provide questions to help you suss out who is a pro and who is faux. 🕵️‍♀️

Interaction Effects in CRO: Should You Worry?

Ever heard the term "interaction effects" in CRO and wondered if it's just another buzzword? Well, it’s actually about how one change (like a new CTA button) can impact another (like your site’s color scheme). Some experts say these effects can mess with your data and make it hard to know what really worked. 😣 Find out what Chirpy thinks about this and whether or not it’s worth losing sleep over.


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Whenever you're ready there are 4 ways I can help you with optimizations and changing your business’ decision-making culture to make sure you’re an industry dominator:

  1. Consulting & execution for large enterprise in-house teams for lead generation or eCommerce businesses in any industry, find out if we’re a fit by scheduling a 15-minute meeting with me or learning more about it

  2. Training & workshops for any business suited to what you’re looking to accomplish, find out if I can help you by a 15-minute meeting with me or learning more about it

  3. More resources by following me on LinkedIn or visiting my website for blog posts, trainings, and a pre-test checklist

  4. Coffee chats to talk about whatever is on your mind, email me at [email protected] or DM me on LinkedIn